Uniontown Lions Festival 25th Anniversary

Uniontown Lions Festival 25th Anniversary

Uniontown Lions Club Festival August 14-17, 2019
Fun for Everyone – even a Young Festival King and Queen!

The Uniontown Lions Club brings together our community for a special long weekend including a parade, carnival rides, food, car show, the Blue Streak Marching Band and other musical talent, fireworks, and fun on the grounds of Hartville MarketPlace and Flea Market.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the festival, and the 75th anniversary of the Uniontown Lions Club! Longtime resident, community volunteer, leader, and Lions member John Birk will serve as parade Grand Marshal.

Festival Pageant

In addition, this year a special pageant will take place to select a young King and Queen between the ages of 5-10 to hold court during the festival!

According to longtime Lions members, selecting an older teenage Queen used to be a Uniontown Festival tradition, but it was discontinued at least 10 years ago. This will be the first year ever that a Festival King will be crowned.

Pageant organizer and Lions member Mindy Covington is bringing back the pageant with a new twist – her focus will be to choose a younger Queen and King based on their personal examples of service and volunteerism, in keeping with the Lions Club motto “We Serve.” Pageant contestants will be asked to recite a short poem and answer two to three questions from a panel of five judges. The two children selected as the King and Queen will receive a crown to wear for the day, ride in a convertible near the front of the parade, and receive trophies to keep!

Mindy plans to make the pageant an annual festival event; emceeing this year will be retired Uniontown Police Chief Harold Britt.

Do you have a “young royal” in your household, waiting be crowned? If so, pick up a pageant application from the Covington State Farm Insurance office located at 13375 Cleveland Ave. N.W. in Uniontown or print your own at the link below.

All applications must be returned (e-mailed or dropped off) to the Covington office by Friday, August 9, 2019 by 5 p.m. sharp.  NOTE: all applicants entering the pageant will automatically be able to walk in the festival parade if they choose to. Also see pageant instructions, and a flyer regarding the upcoming pageant! Best of luck to all our young pageant entrants and see you at the Uniontown Lions Festival!

—– Submitted by Karen Koch

About Karen

Karen has a lengthy background in marketing communications, is a Lake Township resident, and is a huge fan of small local businesses, feeling they add uniqueness and vitality to our local community. She enjoys encouraging visitors to shop, see our sites, attend events, and experience our hometown. Family, friends, and pets, relaxing with good books and food, enjoying nature, and completing craft/home improvement projects are among her favorite things.