LCCHS Choir Presents Handel’s Messiah

LCCHS Choir Presents Handel’s Messiah

The Lake Center Christian High School Choir will present selections from Handel’s Messiah on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Kaufman Center.

The Sommers sisters string quartet from Dalton will accompany the choir, and soloists Caleb Smith, Rico Miller, Morgen Kyser, Michaela Smith, Amber Edwards, Johanna Hay-Smith, Kasie Frasier, Melanie Harvey and Sarah Kurczewski will be featured.  Audience members are encouraged to bring their “Messiah” scores (or use the ones provided) to join the choir in singing the Hallelujah chorus and Worthy is the Lamb/Amen.

Cookies and coffee will be served at a reception following the program. Please come join us for this special event as we celebrate the birth of our Lord!

For more information, contact LCCS at 330-877-2049.

About Megan

Megan is a small business enthusiast and the tourism coordinator for Discover Hartville. You'll find her most days at Best Bib and Tucker, her family's Hartville shop. She is a life-long learner, connoisseur of tasty things, and loves sharing all of the amazing places to visit in Lake Township.