Downtown Hartville’s Summer Night Circus Kickoff July 19th

Downtown Hartville’s Summer Night Circus Kickoff July 19th

Carlee & Charlie from the Kelly Miller Circus clown around in Downtown Hartville, Ohio

Come one, come all!  We are excited to bring back the popular “Downtown Summer Nights” event on Thursday, July 19th from 6-8pm in Downtown Hartville, Ohio.  The event will feature the Hartville Lions famous chicken barbecue, musical entertainment, barrel train and fire truck from Clearwater Park, games & fun for all ages!

Entertainment for the evening will feature Steve Espenchied from the Lake Township Historical Society with his famous calliope, a circus-themed dance performance by Briana’s Elite Dance Institute, Door3Twenty, and His Hands Ministry Puppet Show, sponsored by Hartville Travel.

Later in the month, The Lake Township Chamber of Commerce is hosting the Kelly Miller Circus on the grounds of the Hartville MarketPlace on Tuesday, July 31st.  The event is sponsored by Hartville Hardware, Clearwater Park, SPSI, Inc., Uniontown Veterinary Clinic and Briana’s Elite Dance Institute.

Tickets for the July 31st event are available at Lake Community Federal Credit Union, Hartville Hardware, Hartville MarketPlace and Clearwater Park.


Click on the link below for the event flyers and ticket pricing!

About Megan

Megan is a small business enthusiast and the tourism coordinator for Discover Hartville. You'll find her most days at Best Bib and Tucker, her family's Hartville shop. She is a life-long learner, connoisseur of tasty things, and loves sharing all of the amazing places to visit in Lake Township.