Discover Hartville Chocolate Bars

Discover Hartville Chocolate Bars

Discover Hartville, the tourism division of the Lake Township Chamber of Commerce, introduces the Discover Hartville Chocolate Bar.

Supporting local merchants and community events never tasted so good!

Enjoy delicious chocolate from Hartville Chocolate Factory and money saving coupons from Two E’s in a Pod, Elite Sports, and VitaNet inside the wrapper!

The $2 bars can be purchased at the following locations:

Thank you to Hartville Chocolate Factory, Knowles Press, and participating merchants!

The mission of the Lake Township Chamber of Commerce is to create a positive environment to promote the success and growth of businesses while reflecting the values of the community.

About Megan

Megan is a small business enthusiast and the tourism coordinator for Discover Hartville. You'll find her most days at Best Bib and Tucker, her family's Hartville shop. She is a life-long learner, connoisseur of tasty things, and loves sharing all of the amazing places to visit in Lake Township.